New Foo: Who is Chris Shiflett?

Melody Maker 1999

"I'd read ages ago that Franz had left and I was talking to an old friend who knew someone who works with them so he gave them a call to see what's up. Turns out they were just about to schedule auditions. I auditioned and then went home.
  "I was camped out by the phone for the next week. Finally they did call and we played together a second time. After, I went back to their hotel, got drunk and Dave was like, 'I've got to go to bed, I'll call you tomorrow'. I sat by my friends phone all fucking day and finally, at about five o' clock, they called to say it was on. That night I went out and got completely smashed on beer and sushi!

"I'd been playing in a band called No Use For A Name for four and a half years and we'd always say we wanted to open up for the Foo Fighters...which never happened. It took a while for the initial, 'OhmygodiamintheFooFighters' to wear off. It's not actually worn off yet, but they do make it very easy to be part of the team. It's cool."

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